Shaping the team – How to identify and recruit talent


Companies of all sizes today must focus on identifying and recruiting the talent they need to accelerate their growth.

This includes access to operational talent to deliver against the company’s strategic objectives as well as executive talent to access the knowledge required to scale businesses fast.

This webinar aims to provide a perspective on what founders of growth ventures should consider when building their boards, selecting executive teams and advisory board members while ensuring that the key drivers of growth for any venture are continuously considered.

Ben Johnson & Gaelle Pritchard from Sheffield Haworth participated in an interactive and engaging discussion where we wanted to find out how to shape the right board, sharing lessons learned from working with thousands of organizations around the world to successfully source and recruit talent.

In addition, Chris Hornby shared further insight from working with disruptive businesses while building and developing some of the most exciting Deep Tech companies in the world.

Questions we will aim to answer include: ​​​​​​​

  • Board structure: Structuring the right board and ensuring the right balance of skills – what should board members’ expertise and skillset be? ​​​​​​​
  • NEDs: How can you ensure that your business is attractive in terms of what it represents, its activities, and the options it offers to NEDs?
  • Working patterns and behavior: What can you do to ensure that your board works well together – psychometric or behavior-skills-based?
  • Differences in roles: The difference between a NED and an Advisory Board Member – advantages and disadvantages of both roles for your business and for them.


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